SF Awning Amnesty Program

SF Awning Amnesty Program
Information about the Awning Amnesty Program. The ordinance is still making its way through the Board of Supervisors process. However, here is what the ordinance will do:
Creates a temporary amnesty program for existing, unpermitted awnings.
- All property owners (and business owners) that have awnings without a building permit on file are eligible for the program, including those with active Notices of Violation for installing or having an awning with a building permit.
Waives permit and inspection fees.
Applicants with existing awnings must submit applications before June 1, 2024, for the fee waivers to apply. (This is per amended language, to be introduced on May 16.)
Reminder: The City has an ongoing awning fee waiver program every May.
Requires DBI to develop a streamlined application process for expedited review of permits during the amnesty program.
- Applicants with an existing awning will not need to hire a contractor or sign installer under the amnesty program.
- Applicants will provide photos and fill out information per a DBI template documenting existing conditions.
Allows Planning Department to sign off on the building permit for an existing awning or sign even if the awning is a noncomplying structure or a nonconforming use, so long as the awning or sign has existed as the same general location with the same general size, construction methodology, and material for at least five years.
- This can be demonstrated via photos, Google Maps, or other documentation.
- If an awning is non-compliant with the Building Code, it requires property owners (or business owners) to apply for a separate permit to repair, replace or remove the awning.
- This permit process would be the same as the normal process (more info here).
- Licensed contractor or sign installer must be hired to provide drawings with the permit application and to perform the work.
- Permit and inspection fees would not be waived unless the permit application was submitted during May as part of the City’s awning permit fee waiver program.
Waives DBI and Planning Dept enforcement fines and penalties.
- Applicable to those with existing awnings who submit applications before June 1, 2024.
DBI will send a letter to all properties that have received either a complaint or a Notice of Violation so they are aware of that and the Amnesty Program.
If business owners are unsure if their awning was installed with permits, they can either check the San Francisco Property Information Map (SFPIM) or contact the Office of Small Business for additional support at 628-652-4949 or email [email protected].