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Tompkins Stairway Garden Work Day
Tompkins Stairway Garden Work Day
Join us on the 1st Saturday of every month at the Tompkins Stairway Garden from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Engage in rewarding activities such as weeding, pruning, and litter picking and contribute to the upkeep of this quaint piece of greenery in our beloved Bernal neighborhood! If you often use these stairs to travel […]
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Get Your Garden Growing: Basics of Vegetable Seed Propagation
Get Your Garden Growing: Basics of Vegetable Seed Propagation
Join the Friends of Alemany Farm (700 Alemany Boulevard) for an introduction to vegetable seed propagation workshop on Saturday, March 8, from 10 am to noon. Participants will learn the basics of starting an organic vegetable garden from seeds, including propagation techniques such as sowing, materials, and young plant care. For more information and to […]
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Upper Esmeralda Garden Stairway- Community Workdays
Upper Esmeralda Garden Stairway- Community Workdays
The Esmeralda Stairs are three block-long stairs that people can use to climb the west side of Bernal Hill. The bottom flight of stairs starts at Coleridge St., one block east of Mission St. The middle set of stairs goes from Prospect Ave. to Winfield St. The top section of stairs ends at Winfield and […]