The Bernal Business and Arts Alliance hosts a marketplace at 434 Cortland through the holidays. We want your pop-ups to help the space come alive.

The space is currently vacant, and the landlord has been extremely nice and is letting BBAA use it for events each weekend, Friday – Sunday, until the end of the year.

The marketplace will have space for four vendors (approx. 8ft x 4 ft per vendor for materials ). Each space will cost $50 a day before Thanksgiving and $75 a day after Thanksgiving, with funds used to cover rent and insurance. We also offer Friday, 10/20, for free(!) and Sat and Sun 10/21 and 10/22 at $30.

Please note the following dates are now FULL:

  • Sat 11/4, Sun 11/5, Sat 11/25, Sun 11/26, Sat 12/2, Sat 12/9, Sun 12/10, Sat 12/16, Sun 12/17
  • Bernal Holiday Stroll – Evening of Thurs Dec 7 (4-8 pm)

Bernal Marketplace Sign-Up Form

Calendar – Bernal Heights and Beyond


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