Although undergoing a remodel, Gillian Lundgren from Black Jet Bakery generously shared her perspective on being a Cortland Merchant.

Black Jet Baking Co. is a woman-owned business at 833 Cortland. Initially founded in 2010 as a wholesale bakery, it began delivering handmade Pop-Tarts and cookies to coffee shops and offices throughout the city. Due to the high demand for their products, the bakery expanded its operations to include local grocery stores, catering companies, and restaurants. Today, Black Jet Baking Co. continues to delight customers with its delicious baked goods and commitment to using only the finest ingredients.

Black Jet Bakery

Black Jet Bakery

Tell us about your background and what inspired you to start Black Jet Baking.
I am originally from the East Coast, and when working at The Liberty Cafe on Cortland with Max Newman (my right-hand man and mastermind of many of the Black Jet items), we would trade stories and recipes of snacks we had as kids. So black Jet began to showcase these classic childhood treats, using the bounty of Bay area ingredients and elevating the flavor of the traditional cardboard treats. When we started, coffee shops did not feature small-batch bakers, and we credit Ritual Coffee for giving us our shot. We supplied them and other cafes with cookies, Pop-Tarts, and Bars.

What kind of baked goods does Black Jet Baking specialize in, and what sets them apart from other local bakeries? 

We specialize in classic American desserts, bread, pastries, sandwiches, and sourdough pizza!

Black Jet Bakery Pop-Tarts

Black Jet Bakery Pop-Tarts

How do you choose which ingredients to use in your baked goods, and what factors do you consider when selecting suppliers? 

We are wildly lucky to have a business in the bay area with our pick of the best dairy, produce, and grains. We love supporting local suppliers and have worked with many for several years.

What are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced in running Black Jet Baking, and how have you overcome them? 

Running a small business is a nonstop hustle; we have been at it for over a decade. However, Covid was, without a doubt, the biggest challenge we have ever faced. The uncertainty, fear, and loss of business were sometimes crippling, but I am lucky to have an incredible staff and support system that helped us grow our business slowly. The Bernal Neighborhood took us under their wing and supported us weekly since Covid. Their support was humbling.

Cortland Merchant - Black Jet Bakery

Cortland Merchant – Black Jet Bakery

What marketing strategies have attracted customers to Black Jet Baking most effectively, and how have you adapted your approach over time? 

We started as a wholesale business and strategically tried to look for accounts/locations throughout the city and bay area to spread our goods as far and wide as possible. Since then, we have tried to use Instagram to let people know about new items and things we are excited about!!

What advice would you give someone interested in starting their bakery or pursuing a career in baking? 

Work in a bakery! That is the best thing you can do; Baking is hard, physical work and not for the faint of heart. I always recommend working in this field to see if you enjoy it!

What are your plans for the future of Black Jet Baking, and how do you envision it evolving over the next few years? 

We JUST finished a remodel of the bakery (this week)  and are now inviting customers back inside after three years of Covid. This has been years in the making with the design process and execution, so I will focus on that and enjoy our beautiful space for now.

Can you share memorable stories about interactions with customers at Black Jet Baking? 

Most recently, we have a loyal regular, Darryl, who comes for brown butter blondies almost daily, and she creates poems for us on our birthdays. She is so thoughtful and hilarious. Also, one of our part-time fill-in baristas, Audrey, has been eating my baked goods since she was a BABY, and I have happily made her birthday cake every year of her life. She is a true gem and beloved at the bakery!

What do you do when you’re not baking? 

I like to take my pup, Gus, to Ocean Beach for walks. In addition, I enjoy traveling with my husband to visit friends and family.

What are your hopes and aspirations for the future of Bernal Heights, and how do you see Black Jet Baking contributing to its growth and development? 

I have been living/working in this neighborhood for almost 15 years and have seen many changes. However, I hope that it always keeps its small neighborhood feel. I am so happy to recognize the faces I have been baking for all these years. I feel proud to have a neighborhood spot in such a special place.

Gillian Lundgren of Black Jet Bakery Talks Cortland Merchant Life

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