Upper Esmeralda Garden Stairway- Community Workdays
February 20, 2027 @ 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM

The Esmeralda Stairs are three block-long stairs that people can use to climb the west side of Bernal Hill. The bottom flight of stairs starts at Coleridge St., one block east of Mission St. The middle set of stairs goes from Prospect Ave. to Winfield St. The top section of stairs ends at Winfield and Esmeralda Streets. The Esmeralda Stairs are utilitarian, but they’re also fun. Two slides are often called the Winfield Street Slides in the mid-section of the stairs. These slides are 40 feet long, making for an exhilarating return trip after you reach the summit.
The Community Workdays are held on the 3rd Saturday of each month from 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM.