I know the original expression is “Think globally, act locally,” which dates back to 1915 and is attributed to Scottish conservationist Patrick Geddes. Still, I think it is time to revisit this refrain. The philosophy behind this famous quotation is to care about the entire planet and take action at a community, town, or city level. This idea is still solid and relevant; however, since so much has occurred over the past 105 years, it seems as though it is too late to take measures just one community and City at a time. Rather, it is time to take ambitious steps to address our environmental issues and problems worldwide; for example, the current pandemic has been a wake-up call for the whole world. The pandemic started in what was, for many of us, an obscure part of China, but now every person in every corner of the world has felt its effects.

Recent studies published in both “Nature” and “Science” describe the planet’s dire situation. Without going into details, the message is that we have been depleting our global resources at an unsustainable revere for a few decades, yet the story was not headline news. So does it mean that the problem is not real or as scary as we think? I think that since we do not see this issue at our front doorstep yet, there are other more pressing crises we are currently experiencing. That said, exhausting our resources is a major concern and must be addressed aggressively as soon as possible.

Here in San Francisco, we are fortunate to have progressive eco-friendly measures that make a difference; plus, it is relatively easier for most of us to take “planet-saving” actions locally since we are encouraged to do so. However, there is always more we can and need to do at this stage. We cannot and should not wait until our politicians enact new eco-friendly regulations. Some actions we can take at a local and global level are:

  • Be vigilant so that our politicians draft stricter policies and regulations that protect the environment as effectively and efficiently as possible. Unfortunately, after negotiating with industry leaders, eco-friendly policies are often watered down as time passes and turned into laws.
  • Network and share success stories and lessons learned worldwide on addressing environmental issues, such as energy savings. For example, when I lived in Berlin, I was impressed by how the escalators leading to the subway platforms run on motion detectors and the entryway and stair lights in my apartment building. In some U.S. states, such an option is not legal, but we must question the reasoning and learn from others.
  • Live within our “ecological” means. It is well-known that richer countries, such as the U.S., use more global resources than most other countries. For example, a recent study by the University of Michigan Center for Sustainable Systems study titled (U.S. Environmental Footprint) states that although the U.S. has only 5% of the world population and 15% of the world’s GDP, we consume 15% of the world’s energy. In fact, according to this study, it would take five piles of the earth for the entire world to live by U.S. standards.
  • Ensure that there are equity and equality for all people everywhere. The recent U.S. events have shown us what a powder keg penned up frustration over racism, and bigotry can be. Simultaneously, consistent conflicts worldwide, which can lead to famine and war, affect the whole world. Furthermore, a conflict in a country, country, or region on the other side of the world can affect the global economy, destabilize governments, and increase already tense religious and socio-political turmoil. We can alleviate these situations by voting, getting involved, and being conscious of where we invest and buy products.

Now, on a local level, we can continue to follow up on the bullet points listed above, but there are other things we should be doing daily at home and within our communities:

  • Walk or bike as much as possible. According to the SFMTA, over the last decade or so, the City’s population has increased by approximately 80,000 people, plus 175,000 new jobs have been added within city limits. Of course, this translates into greater vehicular traffic—also, more people are ride-sharing as it has become more affordable and convenient than hailing a cab. Additionally, bicycle riding peaked in 2017 and then started to decrease. Empirical observations tell us that more people are riding their bikes this year and walking, but it took the pandemic to turn the numbers around, which is great, but we need to keep increasing the number of trips we take on foot or a bicycle.
  • Consume less. The pandemic has also shown many how to cut back on consumables and live with fewer “things.” In other words, for some of us, having less income over the last nine months has taught us to prioritize our spending, which is a great advantage for the environment. For example, using our mobile phones longer than we normally would mean less waste (throwing out the old phones) and less mining and use of the resources needed to make the new ones. And do we need the latest version of that particular fashionable mobile phone? Also, to save on expenses, many people have been buying refurbished used electronics, such as laptops and mobile phones, at a fraction of the original cost. These products are just as efficient and diminish the number of electronics ending up in landfills.
  • Although recycling is essential to helping our environment, it would be best to reuse the waste we generate, such as taking the produce bags back to the store and using them to buy fresh produce again. We can also use unwanted plastic bottles for children’s art projects, planters, and vases. Therefore, our first reaction should be to find at least one secondary use out of everything we buy before tossing them into the garbage and recycling bins.
  • Use less or eliminate toilet paper. Used toilet paper requires more energy and processing as it runs through sewage treatment plants, but it is also made from a resource we take away from the planet. In addition, its manufacturing releases greenhouse gases into the environment. The chlorine used to bleach and soften the paper often (in many countries) pollutes the neighboring water supplies. One alternative to toilet paper is bidets, which are very common in southern European countries, Japan, and the Middle East. Of course, it is not always feasible for everyone to install one in our existing bathrooms. However, you can retrofit a typical toilet with a bidet seat. Their prices range from $150 to $2,500, depending on the brand and features.
  • Buy less packaged food. Although this is not always an option, there are certain food items that you can purchase that are not prepackaged, such as meats and cold cuts. For example, if your local market or neighborhood has a butcher shop, you can buy ham, turkey, etc., by weight and have it packaged for you in butcher paper or, in some cases, in your containers. More and more stores, for example, sell grains, dried fruits, etc., in bulk, which you can place into your containers. Though these may seem like small steps moving us towards our goals at a glacial pace, the reality is that we build momentum with these actions, which can inspire others to do the same and make vendors notice and make necessary changes. We have seen time and time again how large and medium-sized companies showcase their transition to more ecologically conscious products and activities. They present these actions as their idea, but they only get to that point through legislation and consumer demand.

The previous bullet points are just a start. We can do more things to help the environment, which I encourage you to find and decide for yourselves if you can exercise. And there are costlier (at least initially) actions we can take to be “green,” such as installing solar energy panels, building a green roof on your house, rainwater harvesting for irrigation and toilet use, etc. However, in this article, I wanted to start with some relatively simple activities to adopt. That said, whatever you do does help, but we live in a time in history when we can no longer afford to do the minimum. We need to challenge ourselves to do more. If we don’t, our children will have an even bigger mess on their hands.

Greening Projects

Greening Projects

Author Bio

Jorge Romero-Lozano, PE, LEED AP, PMP, is Greening Projects’ Executive Director and Founder. As a licensed civil engineer with a passion for planning, designing, and building green spaces, he provides both the technical expertise, as well as the passion for envisioning potential green paces as well as supporting neighborhoods, individuals, and other professionals who wish to improve their environments and engage their communities.

Think globally, act globally!

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